Tim Reynolds
Senior Pastor
Pastor tim has served as Senior Pastor at Hazard FBC since 2019. Having previously served as a Cumberland Area Pulpit Supply preacher, as the ARH Director of Chaplaincy Service and previously as pastor at Wooton First Baptist church. His wife Maxi plays the electric piano and is a vocalist.
email: hazardfbcpastor@gmail.com

Byron "Sug" Brashear
Assistant Pastor
Sug has served for 10 years at HFBC in many different leadership roles, Deacon, Sunday School leader, Building and Grounds Committee, often preaching on Sundays and teaching on Wednesday evenings. He and his wife Carol are talented vocalist and have led numerous Dramas and skits.
email: suggie0824@gmail.com

Olivia Callhan
Choir Director
Olivia has been the Choir Director at Hazard FBC for the past ten years, having served Hazard FBC for the past 15 years. She leads both traditional and contemporary worship music.
email: ocnell@tvscable.com

Sarrah Huber Barnett
Youth Director
Sarrah serves as Assistant Choir Director, lead vocalist and technology specialist
email: sarrahhuber@me.com

Lisa Kaye Combs
Awana Leader
Lisa serves as our Awana, Compassion Team leader and Children Church Director. She also coordinates our annual VBS program.
email: lisakaye2@yahoo.com