Proclaim His Love

Sunday Morning Service

As we continue our studies in the Gospel of Luke, our text for today is vitally important in the light of eternity, and our Lord makes no apologies for illustrating our need to decide on where we will spend our eternity.

I think that we will all agree that decision making can be difficult concerning a variety of topics, and there have been times in all of our lives that we have struggled with decisions. Asking ourselves, or seeking counsel from others about a right decision, or playing rock, paper, scissors to decide about a particular question.  

While we may get great advice from others on many topics, the decision to follow Christ is a decision that we make as individuals.

In verse 24 Jesus says, “strive to enter the narrow gate”. While others may influence you concerning following the Lord, it is your decision alone. You don’t go hand in hand with your dad or mom in this decision, you don’t place your trust even in a pastor to make this decision, you must enter the narrow gate by yourself.

As Jesus is responding to a question about how many are saved in our text, He in effect says, “don’t worry about how many are saved, be concerned whether you as an individual are saved”.

You must make a good decision about this all-important question concerning your salvation. Jesus also taught this in chapter 12- saying you need to judge correctly on your way to see the judge and settle this question before you stand before the judge.

Jesus says make this decision before the door is shut. Before the time ends when you no longer have an opportunity to decide.  

Have you made that decision, and is there evidence in your life concerning your choice?