Proclaim His Love

Sunday Morning Service

Feb 2, 2025

FBC Family,

Thanks to everyone who attended Rick’s funeral, sent notes to the family, brought food for the family dinner. This is exactly what Rick and Bobbe have done for many church family funerals. I thank God for our church family. I thank God for folks like Rick who look for ways to serve others, and to be a blessing to others. 

Rick served in so many ways at FBC since 1996 when he was saved. He was chairman of our Deacons, had served as our Senior Czar, he drove the van to pick up the senior ladies at the church, taught the youth and adult Sunday school, he led a jail ministry, he served in plays and in the choir. Served on our Properties Committee and Budget Committees. Rick saw to the needs of many people within our church. Rick understood Luke 12:42-44 which says, “To whom much is given much is required”.

God had richly blessed Rick with a wonderful wife and daughter that loved him, and also a church family that loved Him, and he looked for and sought for ways to serve his Lord. He understood the value of the grace that was evident in his life and sought to serve in any way that he could be effective.

May we consider Rick’s life, his love and his passion for the Lord’s work. The apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 11:1 Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. Rick could have said the same.

He will certainly be missed on this side of eternity.