The Kingdom of God
In our message taken from Luke 13 we will consider what the Kingdom of God is like and how can we compare it. This is a vitally important topic, whether we realize it or not.
In our culture we often speak of our walk with the Lord here on earth and also of heaven. But you seldom hear talk of the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus speaks the kingdom 87 times in the gospels alone. 87 times! Yet it seems that we may not have a grasp about what He was talking about.
The Kingdom of God is the rule of our God over the universes. As He is creator and sustainer of all life. The Psalmist says in 103:19 “The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all” and to take this a step further it also includes His rule over our hearts.
Those who submit to follow Him are a part of the Kingdom of God, and also a part of the Kingdom of heaven, as these terms are interchangeable.
Jesus words to Nicodemus in John 3 were to in order to see the kingdom of heaven, you must be born again. There is coming a time when Christ will set up His millennial Kingdom upon earth and He will rule and reign there for 1,000 years.
His Kingdom is beyond large and yet at the same time so small it is inconsequential in worldly terms, so small like a mustard seed, or yeast which is hidden in dough, but the effect of His kingdom is so large that many have found its influences, its power within their lives, and it has provided a place of lodging. Do you know the effects of the Kingdom in your heart?