Sunday Morning Service
FBC Family,
On New Years Eve I shared 3 goals for our church for 2025. Three goals that can impact not only our own lives, but also many in our community. As we seek to “Continue the Mission” that God has placed in our hearts at Hazard FBC. For the next few weeks, I will share about the below and how we can implement these for the glory of God in our lives and at FBC.
1. Read the Bible Through in one year
2. Each One Reach One
3. Beyond the walls
Last Sunday I shared with you that “we must be intentional in our walk with the Lord”, determined to allow His Holy Spirit to guide us each and every day.
Understand this; there is nothing that you can do that will have more of a benefit in your life than to read and study the Word of God. We are encouraging each member to dedicate themselves to Bible reading and study in 2025.
2 Timothy 2:15 says Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
May we as a church, be diligent in the study of God’s Word. We encourage you to use our Church app to help assist you in reading the Bible through in 2025.
The Church app provides easy to read translations and tracks your daily progress. Devote 12 minutes a day to read the most important Book ever written; by doing so you will see a dramatic results in your spiritual walk.
Our text this Sunday is from Luke 12 verses 49-59, I encourage you to read the passage and ask God to speak to you through this text, which is quite challenging as it begins with V 49- 49 “I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! This is guaranteed to be an exciting study. Hope to see you Sunday with a heart prepared for worship and praise as we begin 2025.