Proclaim His Love


Mar 11, 2024    pastor tim

This is pastor tim from Hazard First Baptist with Today’s Good News.

Every one of us have at least one thing in common, one thing that we all like to do, other than eating. We all like to talk. We all enjoy talking with others; enjoy sharing our ideas, hopes and dreams, accomplishments and challenges.

I find that they are basically three groups of talkers. The first being those that are quiet, listeners, discerners, thinkers, people that choose their words wisely, people that study before they offer a response, people that think --before they open their mouths. I have never been a part of this group.

Then there are folks that are willing to listen but they also like talking, they enjoy the banter, the drama that they can cause by speaking, the laughter that they may receive after sharing a joke, they enjoy the exchange of ideas and expressions.

Then there is a third group- people that never hush. People that can talk and talk and talk. If you ask them what time it is they will tell you how to build a watch.

I enjoy talking – I will corner strangers and talk with them. I love talking, love sharing stories and jokes. I often talk without using periods.

Reminds me of the story of a husband that had always ridiculed women who talk too much. One day he proudly told his wife that he'd heard that men use 2200 words a day, while women use 4400.

The wife thought about that a moment, then concluded, "That's because women have to repeat everything they say to their husbands."

Even though many of us talk a lot – or talk too much, it seems that we all are challenged when it comes to prayer, we are at a loss for words, or our minds wander and we are often ineffective at prayer.

Prayer is vital to our Christian walk, if we hope to be successful in following the Lord we need to learn how to pray and we need to pray often.

Jesus taught His disciples to pray in Luke ch 11, it would be wise for us to keep our mouths shut and read his wonderful words in what is known as “the Lords’ prayer”.

This has been pastor tim with Today’s Good News.