Proclaim His Love

Marital Challenges

Mar 26, 2024    pastor tim

This is pastor tim from Hazard First Baptist with Today’s Good News.

A man went to see his Rabbi. He stated in a very serious tone, ""Rabbi, something terrible is happening and I have to talk to you about it."


The Rabbi asked, "What's wrong?"


The man replied, "My wife is poisoning me."


The Rabbi, very surprised by this, asked, "How can that be?"


The man then pleaded, "I'm telling you, I'm certain she's poisoning me, what should I do?"


The Rabbi then said, "Tell you what. Let me talk to her. I'll see what I can find out and I'll let you know."


A week later the Rabbi called the man and said, "Well, I spoke to your wife. I spoke to her on the phone for three hours. You want my advice?"


The man anxiously replied, "Yes."


"Take the poison," said the Rabbi.

Well in a marital relationship we often get on one another’s’ nerves. We do little things that irritate one another, like clanging a soup bowl, incorrectly installing the toilet tissue, incorrectly placing the dishes in the dishwasher. These are but a few things that we do that may irritate our spouses.

I find that in marriage that opposites attract, (or attack) and the things that once attracted us to each other, later those very things come back to irritate us. So, what’s a person to do. But to learn to love these things, understand that the differences that we have complement each other. They are a great blessing.

I have often noted that one person in a marriage will be thrifty while the other is pretty quick to spend money. One will be outgoing, while the other is introverted, one is easily offended while nothing bothers the other. It seems to me that this is the way that God designed marriages to work. You certainly would not want someone that was exactly like you. For obvious reasons.

On Wednesday March 27th from 12-1 p.m. we will be hosting a Luncheon at Hazard First Baptist Church, pastor Peter Youmans will be speaking about the glorious resurrection of our Lord. There will be a Good Friday service at Triangle Park on Friday March 29th at 6 p.m. With displays of the Garden of Gethsemane, the Three Crosses, and the empty tomb. Singing, monologues and preaching at each station.

This has been pastor tim with Today’s Good News.