Proclaim His Love

Marriage Talk

Mar 27, 2024

This is pastor tim from Hazard First Baptist with Today’s Good News

A man was called into his bank to discuss his accounts. "Your finances are in terrible shape," the banker stated. "Your checking account is overdrawn, your loan is overdue."


 "Yes, I know." said the man. "It's my wife, she is just out of control." "Why do you allow your wife to spend more money than you have?" asked the banker.


 "Frankly," replied the man with a deep sigh, "because I'd rather argue with you than with her."

It has been said that one of the main reasons that marriages break up is because of lack of financial security and another is simply the lack of interest in their partners.

So how do we keep the fires of our youthfulness burning for 50 or 60 years? Open communication, quality time together, love and trust. Just to name a few ways. (Hard to cover all in 2 minutes)

One of the best ways to keep your marriage fresh is by speaking well of your spouse in public. Now, that might sound a little trite and not very earth shattering, but the reality is many couples choose to vent about frustrations, poke fun of their spouse, or spew negative comments over and over again. Tearing down their relationships in public.

Paul gives this advice to the Ephesians concerning this in Eph 4:29  “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such is good for building up as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear”.

Don’t allow yourself to talk negatively about your spouse. Only use words that build up your spouse, encourage your spouse today by telling them of your love for them and the reasons for that love.

On Wednesday March 27th from 12-1 p.m. we will be hosting a Luncheon at Hazard First Baptist Church, pastor Peter Youmans will be speaking about the glorious resurrection of our Lord.

On Friday March 29th at 6 p.m  we will be hosting a Good Friday service at Triangle Park. With displays of the Garden of Gethsemane, the Three Crosses, and the empty tomb. Singing, monologues and preaching at each station.

This has been pastor tim with Today’s Good News.