Proclaim His Love

3 Amazing Things

Aug 25, 2024

43 And they were all amazed at the majesty of God.

1.  They were all amazed Verse 43 says that they all were amazed at the majesty of God. But why were they amazed?- so many things we read in this chapter that reveal the love and mercy of God,


A.  Jesus had sent the 12 out to minister and to put into action the very things that He taught and shown them, they also received power over and authority over demons, they were able to heal the sick and raise the dead. Then immediately following this experience, Jesus feeds between 20-25,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish, pretty amazing –

And after that three disciples see Jesus in his glorified body, along with Moses and Elijah, and God audibly speaks from heaven. Basically, telling Peter to shut up and listen, and after this Jesus heals a demon possessed boy and gives him back to his dad. Such amazing love shown to this boy and his dad.

Also keep in mind that The events of Luke 9 have been said to have taken place over a period of days or weeks rather than months or years between these events.

So many things that happened in this chapter, during this time period, it was just an amazing time.  

The disciples had been exposed to so much in a short period of time, I imagine that their heads were spinning as they witnessed the very glory of God. Verse 43 tells us that -  they were all amazed.