Proclaim His Love

Sunday Morning Service

May 5, 2024

Emotions are great aren’t they? Emotions drive our interest, emotions make life interesting, emotions are the icing on the cake of life. Emotion often involves risk- often involves the prospect of success and the possibility of heartbreak.


Back in 1975 a fellow by the name of Joshua Reynolds came up with a totally worthless ring that many thought was a must have item. It became a great fad, 40 million rings sold in the first 3 months that they were on the market, making Reynolds around $20 million dollars. – No relation to me.


These things were very popular in the 70’s and made a resurgence in the 90’s, and one lady patented a mood ring for your pet, another came up with the idea of a mood sweater, which changed color with your emotions, (I’m not making this stuff up) 


I wondered what the appeal was, as I don’t necessarily need a ring to tell me what emotion I am experiencing. And often others can tell what I am feeling by our expressions or the color of your face, often red from embarrassment, or pale from fear. Who needs a mood ring for that? I read some quotes about the mood rings from some less than brilliant folks that said.


·        Someone stole my mood ring. I don’t know how I feel about that.

·        I remember saving up for a mood ring and then was shocked to discover I was perpetually in a bad mood.

·        I understand that you are having a hard time knowing how to feel since you don't have your mood ring to guide you.


One lady wrote- My husband has really been struggling to deal with my mood swings, so he bought me a mood ring the other day, hoping that he would be able to monitor my moods.-Would you believe that this mood ring actually works. It does, it actually changes color to reflect my mood at any given time.


--So far, we have discovered that when I’m in a good mood, it turns green. However, when I’m in a bad mood, it leaves a big red mark on his forehead. Maybe the next time he will buy me a diamond!


In the New Testament, we learn that Jesus experienced emotions, much like we do, He experienced joy and anger, He experienced exhaustion, he was hungry, He sorrowful and compassionate, and He also experienced frustration, and He wept.

And there was one emotion that I was surprised to learn of that He experienced and that was amazement. Luke Ch 7 tells us that he was amazed at the Roman Centurion’s faith.

How do you amaze an all knowing God? May we also bring amazement to the Master by exercising our faith.