Proclaim His Love

Sunday Morning Service

Jul 7, 2024

FBC Family,

We will begin Luke Chapter 9 today, a fascinating chapter that is action packed and full of awesome content. It contains several important events and teachings that reveal the identity and mission of Jesus Christ.

This passage marks a turning point in Jesus' ministry. Up until this point, the entire ministry has been Jesus’ work, the disciples got to witness it, got to learn from His teaching, were present at the working of many miracles. But now He begins to focus on training and empowering his disciples for their future ministries, which will spread beyond Israel to all nations.

Many of the stories you will remember, such as the sending of the 12 to preach the Kingdom of God, the feeding of the 5,000, and Peter making his famous pronouncement, “Thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God”.

And in this same chapter Jesus made a statement that would have been reprehensible to all the Jews, saying “if anyone wished to follow Him that they needed to take up their cross daily”.

Eight days later He takes Peter, James and John to the Mt of Transfiguration and they hear the very voice of God from heaven saying, “This is my beloved Son, hear ye Him”.

Also, in this wonderful chapter we read of a boy who was healed and given back to his father. Jesus predicts His death, as the disciples argue over who is the greatest, in verse in v 51, we read that Jesus sets His face to go to Jerusalem. Jesus lastly in Chapter 9 speaks of the cost of discipleship.

What an amazing chapter, it may take 2 months for us to get through these marvelous verses. I encourage you to study each portion of these scriptures as we consider this pivotal point in our Savior’s life on earth.