Proclaim His Love

Doubt and Discouragement

Jun 2, 2024

Have you ever been discouraged, thinking that a certain situation did not go well, or things turned out much different than what you had planned, had goals that you sought that weren’t fulfilled. All of us have experienced these things.

A pastor friend of mine dealt with discouragement concerning his wife’s snoring, it was so terrible, that he even consulted his doctor. The Dr said -Does it really bother you that much?’ ---‘It’s not just me,’ the pastor replied. ‘It’s bothering the whole congregation!’ Now that would be discouraging.

I think that we all have been thru times of doubt and discouragement; often when we are going through such times, I can only tell you that during those times hold on to the Lord.

1.  Today we turn to Luke Ch 7 and are surprised about the doubts of a great man, about his discouragement. In our text we hear John the Baptist ask questions that are seemingly not consistent with a man that Jesus said was the greatest that had ever lived. Verses 18-19

A.  18 Then the disciples of John reported to him concerning all these things. 19 And John, calling two of his disciples to him, sent them to Jesus, saying, “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?”